Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Call me the "Comeback Kid"

My last post was February, as in 8 months ago!  How did that happen?  I have been driving around town, taking kids from place to place daydreaming about posts for months.  I say to myself "when I get home I am going to write about this, or write about that, blah blah.  I guess when you arent the best writer in the world, it comes a little harder to motivate the fingers to type the words.  After 8 months, there are many lost words I wish I have written, but as for now all I can do is move forward with whats in my head today.

This week is an important one for me.  I marks my one year anniversary with Rodan and Fields Dermatology.  If I knew how awesome this journey with R+F would have been for me a couple of years ago, I would have jumped in head first then!  And because I like lists so much, I am going to make a list of the reasons I love working for an incredible company.

1. The BEST skin of my life!  Who knew I could actually have even skin tone, soft moisturized skin, smaller pores, and firmer skin all at once?  I know this sounds like an infomercial or something, thats why I say, "who knew"? Wait, I will be right back....going to go wash my face....

2.  Amazing friends.  I really wasn't looking for new friends, a new network, or reasons to get out of the house.  I was pretty satisfied with my social life.  Or so I thought.  I have met some of the most incredible people this year.  Women who inspire me, bring me up, make me feel more confident about myself.  I would never have reason to meet some of these people any other way.  I am truly grateful each and everyone of them are in my life.

3. Not gonna lie, I like the money.  A few months back, I walked into RC Willey (a local furniture store) and literally waved my finger in the air and chose new couches for our home.  As if I were the belle of the ball.  I have NEVER made a purchase like that on my own.  All funded my R+F!  That was the most exciting moment!  And every month I get a little grin on my face when I see that bluish green check in the mail.  Having additional cash in my pocket to get some of the things I really want without having to dig into the family budget is liberating.  Whether its a pair of shoes, maid service, or piano lessons for my daughters.

4.  I love working on my terms.  I like to work, but I really never enjoyed the idea of having to "clock in".  Working my business around my schedule is perfect.  And my schedule is always changing, so for me it really couldnt get better.  I can take my kids on "playdates" or to the park and still work my business, if I choose.

5.  The best part for me is inspiring others to improve their skin and their lives.  I find it fulfilling and empowering in a way I never knew was possible!  I hear story after story about changed lives.  And more confidence in having a clearer, or smoother complexion.  And it never gets old!

Since this is my anniversary, or RODANniversary,  I am giving away free product to celebrate!  All you have to do is take a very short quiz (as in 6 questions)  and share it on your facebook page.  You can enter once, but for every friend of yours that also takes the survey, you can get another entry!  Help me celebrate! Go to evelynmc.myrandf.com/Pages/OurProducts/GetAdvice/Perskinality  and be sure to leave your email address so I can track it!