Monday, February 6, 2012

For Keeps

I have been mulling this topic in my mind for awhile. I reflect on where I am right now, and how I got here. In Highschool my best friend had a quote on her wall, "Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are". This one sentence has been a powerful force in my life. Especially when I was younger. I have spent many a lesson telling the young women at church how important it is to choose your friends wisely. What I failed to realize is that it really still applies today.

I see the importance of this quote in choosing a husband. My husband has influenced me more than anyone in my life. He makes me a better person, and I am thankful to be surrounded by his loving arms and support.

The last few years I have flailed around trying to figure where I fit into this life I have chosen. Many friends have come, a few have gone, and those who have stayed, are for keeps. The relationships we choose to have with people around us have the force to influence us...and the direction we are going. I choose to share my life and friendship with those who lift me up, encourage me, except me, and love me unconditionally. Funny side note...I am writing this while the Reunion show of The Housewives of Beverly Hills plays. I would not want any of them in my life...but I digress...I finally see the importance of the people I choose to spend my time with. I never really thought as an adult this would still be something for me to think about, or deal with. But it is still just as important as when I was in highschool. I dont know about you, but my time is limited, and precious. Those who I want to be around should fit the criteria, or I should be home with my family. I guess this is a little bit of a shout out to the girls in my life who are my dear friends, now...and for keeps. You live near and far, but you are cherished my friend. You bring me up, empower me, make me a better friend, wife, and mother. Thank you for the unconditional love! Thanks for speaking my Language!


  1. Oh silly Ev. I knew already that regardless of what you claimed was an inefficient expression of what you were thinking, would be beautifully summed up. And it was.

    You are wise grasshopper. Those who can't understand us quite possibly never will. It's that language barrier! Love this and love you my friend!

  2. Sniff, sniff, tear, tear! I love you Evelyn! You are for keeps!
